Main/Portfolio/Video Hosting Development With Gamification
VimepotVideo Hosting Development With Gamification
The Client
A private investor turned to Azoft with a startup idea of an entertainment video hosting for uploading author’s videos.
The Scope
To develop a web service with double functionality for the entertainment industry. First, it has to provide an opportunity to upload and watch videos. Second, it has to be based on the game principle when users can guess the description of the author’s video and win money.
The Solution
The resulting video hosting is developed in a way that authors of the videos can not only upload their videos but also make money on the attempts of other users to guess a video description. At the same time, users can get a profit if they give the right answer.
The system is targeted to two categories of users: customers and administrators. Customers get access to the following features
- Registration
- Authorization
- Video upload
- Adding key phrase to the video description
- Monitoring statistics for their own videos
- Managing the personal financial account
- Video guess
Administrators have their list of available functions
- Authorization
- Managing users
- Managing videos including the opportunity to lock and to delete
- Monitoring the general statistics including financial data
Financial operations can be implemented within the web service due to the integration with PayPal.
Yii2, MySQL, PHP 5.5, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, HTML, Bootstrap 3, NodeJS, Sphinx, Redis, Libav
The Outcome
The developed video hosting allows to easily upload and watch author’s videos as well as win money. PayPal integration provides a simple way of money transfer for the authors of videos and the accrual of interest for the users who guess the key phrases correctly.
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